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Digital Disney Fix

At least once each week, it's too hot (or rainy) to be outside for very long and I find myself missing Walt Disney World. Or I need to entertain a cranky toddler while I work on my website. No matter the reason, or the season, the Interwebs are chock full of Disney videos to enjoy. Couple them with ChromeCast and you've got a big-screen version of your favorite parades, fireworks and live shows right in your very own home.

Here are some links to two videos from my trips earlier this year as some of my family's favorite YouTube channels. Enjoy!

1. Festival of Fantasy Parade (Magic Kingdom, filmed February 2015)

2. Magic Kingdom 'Rope Drop' opening ceremony/show (Filmed January 2015)

3. Underover Tourist YouTube channel

4. Big Fat Panda YouTube channel

5. AllEars.Net YouTube channel

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