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Paging Captain Obvious: Orlando in August is Hotter than...

The older I get, the more capable I am of admitting my mistakes. Similar to the recent case of the missing luggage, I'd like to go on the record and say I was pretty unprepared for just how HOT it would be in Orlando in mid-late August during our recent Walt Disney World trip.

You're probably thinking to yourself,

"Rebecca, you live in the South! It gets plenty hot in Atlanta - don't they call it HOT-lanta?"

Yes, they do. And please don't call it that (gag).

But Orlando in mid-late August is hotter than h-e-double-hockey sticks. Walking out of your hotel room or any other comfortably air conditioned building and into the atmosphere is like walking into the Amazon rain forest. It's 90+ degrees and 100% humidity, even at 7 a.m.

Guess what? This weather also lends itself to lots of big ol' booming thunderstorms, torrential downpours and pool evacuations due to lightning.

So if the summer months are the time when you'll be visiting WDW - you've GOT to be prepared. Here are a few tips:

1. Dress like you're going to work out - moisture wicking fabrics, a headband or hat to catch sweat, these are all excellent choices. Your cute, matchy-matchy family shirts/outfits will likely need to go on the back burner (get it) in favor of clothing that will help you survive the heat.

2. WATER - bring a case of water with you on vacation or buy one before going to your resort. You're going to need to drink COPIOUS amounts of water to stay cool/hydrated and avoid dehydration. Better yet, bring your favorite water bottle from home and fill it up with free, cold, filtered water at the Baby Care Centers in the four parks.

3. Pack two COMPLETE outfits for each day of your trip OR be prepared to do laundry - You're going to sweat through your clothes no matter what, so plan on changing in the afternoon. That means a complete change of clothes -- undies, socks, etc. And if you don't have space for that much clothing, bring laundry detergent and do some laundry half way through your trip.

4. SLOW DOWN - it's too hot to be a Theme Park Commando. Have a good touring plan. Go early, break mid-day for the pool/nap/air conditioned bliss. Then consider going back at night...keeping in mind that late afternoon and evening is when the storms are likely to hit.

5. Pack those ponchos - get them at your local sporting goods store. Don't get caught with you pants down and have to pay $15 for a branded piece of Disney plastic.

6. Sunscreen, hats, portable misting fan, cooling towels - All of these are necessary and are your friend. All items that can be picked up at your local Wal-Mart or sporting good store. You simply cannot go without sunscreen and a hat. We used a clip-on fan for R's stroller, which provided minimal respite from the unrelenting heat. Cooling towels look ridiculous, but they really do work.

So that's my advice, friends. Even for Theme Park veterans like my family, the August heat was a real bear to contend with...if we ever do another summer trip, I'll be much better prepared.

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